Navigating the education system can be challenging, especially when advocating for a neurodivergent child. I’m Jenn Scharf, and I offer a range of services designed to empower you with the knowledge, tools, and support needed to ensure your child thrives in their educational environment. Whether you’re looking for ongoing support, personalized advocacy, educational guidance, or expert training, I am here to help you every step of the way.
School Advocacy Club
Join a community of parents dedicated to advocating for their neurodivergent children. The School Advocacy Club offers monthly trainings, resources, tools, and live Q&A sessions to help you become a confident and effective advocate. Connect with other parents, share experiences, and gain valuable insights.
Advocacy Support
Receive personalized coaching, direct advocacy during school meetings, and document review services. I provide tailored advice, represent you in crucial meetings, and help you understand and maximize the effectiveness of educational documents. My goal is to help you navigate the education system with confidence and ensure your child receives the support they need.
Educational Guidance
For parents who have specific questions or decisions to make but don’t currently have a need for advocacy support, educational guidance sessions provide expert advice on IEPs, classroom accommodations or exploring the schooling options available to you.
Speaking & Training
Invite me to speak or provide training sessions at your school, organization, or community event. I offer workshops and presentations on various topics related to neurodiversity, advocacy, and inclusive education. My goal is to raise awareness, share knowledge, and empower others to support neurodivergent individuals effectively.